Editing What

Third Production Blog October 30 Continuing I got the app that I am going to use to edit my filming. I am using 2 apps, blurr, and capcut. Blurr will be used to time and insert the shots. Capcut will be used to edit and add effects. Capcut pro effects will be screen-recorded and then added to Blurr. Because you need to pay for some of them. Process I opened a new project and added the first few shots I had already taken. I speeded up the videos because they were too long for their dedicated parts. I had to cut a bit of a part from one of them. To add in the sound, I needed to screen-record the music and then add the video to the project. Then there's a feature that lets you separate the sound from the video, and I did that and kept the sound but deleted the video. Purpose The first few shots I have in my project indicate the alarm sounding and then me waking up. This is to give the feeling of early in the morning. Mistakes The shots took a few tries. One...