My Group for the Music Video

My group?

Just myself

I will be working by myself, To be honest, I wanted to work with someone else. I did have somebody in mind, but I ended up by myself as always. I will work on a solo music video, portraying a personal emotional view of my life. Working by myself will be better because I will be able to function at my pace without any possible interruptions. I will be able to use any app I want and according to my personal schedule, which is rather pretty short. Working with someone else is more difficult because you have to debate what your choice will be for the final product. It will take time trying to work together to make it work.

My song

The song I will be using in my video is titled 'Could Have Been Me' by Halsey. This song I first heard in the new movie that came out recently in the past 2 years, sing 2. I loved the tone and feelings conveyed by the singer's voice, it conveys emotions. When I first saw the presentation of this song in the movie I didn't get it for I didn't pay much attention to it. However, once I focused on the lyrics and their meaning, I understood the meaning and actually related to it. I chose this song because it is relatable to how I feel about certain points of my life. 


I have a connection to the song. Life is something precious that shouldn't be taken advantage of. I feel like many times we get different choices for something, involving debating over your personal want and another which is probably better for you. Seize your moment, don't say no, or deny what you really want just to end up regretting it later, choose what you want. Do what you like in life, don't care about being judged, and if others have opposing opinions, this is your life. It is about taking risks, and not living a life of regret.


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