Re-Intro Blogging

 Hello and good evening bloggers! This is Monica posting currently from home. I am currently an eleventh grader here at Fort Lauderdale High School, and I am 16 years old. I live in Oakland Park, Florida, with my mom, but am originally from Pucallpa, Peru; I have 2 older siblings I am the youngest, a brother who is 30 years old, and a sister who is 26 years old. I am bilingual, meaning I can speak English and Spanish well, but the funny thing is I'm doing better in English and I need to remember some words in Spanish. Some specific things about me are that I am 5'1, I wish I was taller, my hair color is black, and my eye color is dark brown, nothing special. My favorite color is black, specifically black matte, I prefer neutral colors like white, black, and between. I like to wear baggy clothes and Y2K because it makes me more comfortable and gives me confidence. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading fiction books and watching scary movies; some side hobbies are drawing and listening to music. My favorite animal is the horse, I also like red pandas and raccoons. I prefer being outside, with anyone really, friends or family, than being stuck inside by myself. I like having company by my side, whether it be a classmate, a close friend, or a family member, for my biggest fear is actually being alone in this big messed-up world. I have many normal fears like the dark, insects, the ocean, and heights, but they're not gradually bad. I don't really have a favorite subject but if I were to pick one I would say Art, my best subject, the one I'm good at is math; My least favorite subject, which I "don't like", say it adequately, is history. I cant wait to start my new project this quarter! its gonna be fun.


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