
I plan to include details about my likings and hobbies, my family and friends, and my future plans. Photos will be focused on every detail I include in the commercial. Mainly start out with basic info of where I'm from and how old I am, with pictures of my birthland. Picking out my favorite song that will be played, also included with a picture of the singer(s). I will mention my favorite movie, including the best actor in the movie and a picture of the title and the trailer of it. The title of the best book I read, explain what it is about, and include a picture of it and the name of the author. My favorite meal and type of food, where it is from, what it is, and the process of how it is made, including a picture and a tutorial. Also my favorite type of candy and where it is from with a picture of what it looks like. With a picture of my favorite chips and why I enjoy them over others. After my basic likings, I will talk about my family members and close friends of mine. I will include my parents, mainly my mom, but also my dad, who I don't really talk to anymore. I will also include my siblings, from my mom's side because they were the ones there for me when I needed them, and also because I don't really know my siblings from my dad's side. My aunties and uncles' names, also picture of them together with each other, and their own families. My cousins, from my best cousin to the last, with pictures of them and their ages. Besides blood members of mine, I also consider my friends close. I will include some of my closest friends, my church friends, and some new ones I met this year, some of them with pictures, and all of them with their names. At the end, I will mention the future plans I have written down. I don't plan to take my time studying for one branch because I don't want to be stuck in that position, I want to be free, so I will put down the navy info, what status I'm going to join as, and where am I gonna go. And if my plans don't work out, I will have another backup one to replace that. 


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