Production Finalizer



After finalizing my edits, I will see if any part has switched wrongly and tweak my work. Tweaking is to mess with and change that subject a bit. In the end, once all is done, the last thing to do is review my commercial and ensure it has a good structure. Checking out the sounds and layout for the intro and outro. Take a good amount of time viewing every detail through the presentation to make sure it's good.

Work Errors

First mainly focus on spelling errors, seeing if all is in the right way, capitalized, spelled right, said in the proper form. Then check out my media and how it's presented, if it's cut and edited to what it should be. Afterward, check my editing to see if my transitions are in each correct position. Tweak my effects throughout the video, altering the media with filters and shakes. Recheck my background layout, checking the background noise and picture. 


My personal opinion of my work will be based on my decision, but that doesn't mean it's right. Therefore I will present my commercial to others including for example my friends, to see their opinion on what I've made. My parents see this as an adult perspective if this is not in an immature format. And especially a pre-opinion from my class teacher, let them revise it to tell me what mistakes I've made so I can turn it in right. I will compare all feedback, and take some tips from each source.


Once exported, check for any internet or technological issues. Make sure it is turned in on time and does not glitch while it is going through. Turn in the right assignment, to not get mixed up or make excuses for what I didn't turn in on time. Title my assignment right, for without it I will get points taken off. The overall quality of the exported video needs to be remarkable and available for everyone to see. 


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