Hello, it's me!

 Hello and good evening bloggers! This is Monica posting currently from home. I am currently an eleventh grader here at Fort Lauderdale High School, and I am 16 years old. I live in Oakland Park, Florida, with my mom, but am originally from Pucallpa, Peru; I have 2 older siblings for I am the youngest, a brother who is 30 years old, and a sister who is 26 years old. I am bilingual, meaning I can speak English and Spanish well, but the funny thing is I'm doing better in English that I am forgetting some words in Spanish. Some specific things about me are that I am 5'1, I wish I was taller, my hair color is black, and my eye color is dark brown, nothing special. My favorite color is black, specifically black matte, I prefer neutral colors like white, black, and between. I like to wear baggy clothes and Y2K for it makes me more comfortable and at least gives me some confidence. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading fiction books and watching scary movies; some side hobbies are drawing and listening to music. My favorite animal is the horse, I also like red pandas and raccoons. I prefer being outside, with anyone really, friends or family, than being stuck inside by myself. I like having company by my side, whether it be a classmate, a close friend, or a family member, for my biggest fear is actually being alone in this big messed-up world. I have many normal fears like the dark, insects, the ocean, and heights, but they're not gradually bad. I don't really have a favorite subject but if I were to pick one I would say Art, however my best subject, the one I'm good at is math; My least favorite subject, which I "don't like", say it in a nice way, is history. One random fact about me is that I am a pushover. Anyway, that's all for today, Thank you for your time, and see you on my next blog, signing out, bloggers!




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